


Terms & Conditions
Privacy Policy

Drappier Privacy Policy

In this Privacy Policy, references to “we”, “us” and “our” are to Drappier International Pty Ltd (ABN 52 138 670 390) (Drappier). Drappier has obligations concerning the collection, use, disclosure and storage of personal information.  These obligations are set out in the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), and other applicable State and Territory privacy laws. Drappier will review and may update this Privacy Policy from time to time.  The current version will always be available on this website.

What is personal information?

Personal information means information or an opinion about a person who is identified or is reasonably identifiable.

The personal information we collect and hold includes information about eg. customers, prospective employees and contractors.

The personal information that we collect and hold may include an individual’s:

How do we collect and hold personal information?

Drappier may collect personal information from the individual concerned or from a third party.

We may collect this information when you communicate with us through our website, by telephone, by e-mail, from events or through a written application.

The information that we collect may be stored by a third-party data storage provider and may be combined with or linked to other information held about you.

We have processes in place to ensure that our records remain accurate, complete, and up to date, including verifying the information with you each time you use our services or from other sources.

These records are retained for up to 3 years after no activity unless you unsubscribe earlier.

If the information is no longer required by us for any purpose for which it was collected and is no longer required by law to be retained by us, we will destroy or de-identify the information.

An individual can always choose to deal with us anonymously (or by providing a pseudonym). However, if you choose to remain anonymous, this may affect your ability to access or use certain functions of our website or services.

Why do we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information?

We may collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for the following purposes:

  • to enable individuals to access and use our website and services;
  • to operate, improve and optimise our website and services and our users’ experience;
  • to deal with enquiries regarding prospective employment with us;
  • to send service, support and administrative messages, reminders, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and information;
  • to send marketing and promotional messages and other information that has been requested or which may be of interest; and
  • to comply with our legal obligations.

To whom do we disclose personal information?

We may disclose personal information to the following third parties for the purposes listed above:

  • Drappier’s parent company and other related companies (Group Entities);
  • trading partners and service providers (of Drappier and Group Entities); and

When we disclose personal information to third parties, we make all reasonable efforts to ensure that we disclose only relevant information and that it is accurate, complete and up to date and that the third party will comply with the Privacy Act in relation to that information.

We may disclose personal information in other circumstances, where the person concerned has consented to the disclosure, or where we are expressly permitted to do so by the Privacy Act.

These other disclosures may include where:

  • the individual would reasonably expect the disclosure to occur (for example, quality assurance purposes or training);
  • we are authorised or compelled by law to disclose;
  • it will prevent or lessen a serious threat to someone’s life, health or safety or a threat to public health or safety;
  • it is necessary as part of the establishment or defence of a legal claim;
  • it is requested by an enforcement agency such as the police; or
  • it is a necessary part of an investigation following a complaint or incident.


We employ the use of cookies. A “cookie” is a small file stored by the web browser software on a computer when the user accesses our website.  (An explanation of cookies can be found at the website of the Australian Information Commissioner at www.oaic.gov.au.).

Most interactive websites use cookies to let us retrieve the user’s details for each visit. Cookies are used by our website to enable the functionality of certain areas to make it easier for people visiting our website. Some of our affiliate/advertising partners may also use cookies.

You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on their browser, however this may prevent you from using the full functionality of the website.

We will deal with any personal information collected by cookies in the same way we handle other personal information under this Privacy Policy.


We have systems and procedures in place to protect personal information from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

However, users are advised that there are inherent risks in transmitting information across the internet, including the risk that information sent to or from a website may be intercepted, corrupted or modified by third parties.  Users who have security concerns, or wish to provide personal information by other means (e.g. by telephone or paper), may contact us using the contact details set out at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.


Our sites may have links to other websites not controlled or owned by us.  We are not responsible for these sites or any consequence of a person’s use of those sites.  In particular, we are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of the operators of other websites.  We recommends that users review the privacy policies of those external websites before using them.

How can I access or correct my personal information?

We have measures in place to ensure that the information we hold about individuals is accurate, complete, and up to date.  If you learn that personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or not up to date you should contact us so that the information can be updated.

If you wish to see what information we hold about you, you can ask us for a copy.  Sometimes it may not be possible to give you a copy of the information if it was provided anonymously, if it contains details about other people, or if it would be unsafe to provide the information (for instance, if it may lead to harm being done to another person).

If we refuse to provide you with access to your record or to update your record in the way you request, we will provide you with written reasons. If we refuse to correct or update your information, you may request that we make a note on your record that you are of the opinion that the information is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date, irrelevant or misleading, as the case may be.

We will not charge you for requesting details of the information we hold about you but we may charge a reasonable fee for the work involved in providing you with this information and for associated costs such as photocopying. You will be notified of any likely costs before your request is processed.

How can I make a complaint?

If you have a complaint or concern regarding our handling of your personal information or think that your privacy has been affected you should contact [Company] as detailed below for an examination of your complaint or concern.  Complaints about privacy can also be made to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.  See www.oaic.gov.au for how to make a complaint.

Contact us

Email: hello@q01mmjrqna.wpdns.site

Phone: 1800 372 777‍